Sojourn launched our first Family Advocacy Ministry (FAM) Care Team in March 2024. We have partnered with a local nonprofit called “Together with Families” who connected us with a family at risk of their kids going into the foster care system. Our team is walking along side a single mom (we will call her “D”) with two young kids who are16 months apart. She was also in foster care and her story is very similar to Corey’s story below. 

“D” desires for her kids to not experience the same things she did in her childhood and our Care Team is able to come alongside her to be a positive influence in her parenting journey. The team rotates responsibilities, averaging 1-2 interactions or drop-offs per month. As to be expected, it takes time to build relationships. So the first couple months we have focused on building trust and connection. Being a constant presence speaks volumes to someone who only knows unreliability and insecurity in her life and we are starting to see some fruit from this labor, as “D” is starting to open up more. 

We invite the church to do three things:

  1. We invite you into Corey’ three step invitation to seek the Lord in how he wants to use you.

  2. Pray - be praying for our Care Community in general that God is paving a way forward for us to connect with more and more vulnerable families. Ask Him how you can be a part of the answer to this prayer. Pray for “D” and her family at 9 am on Tuesdays - specifically pray for a her to find a good job; passes her test to get her drivers license on May 9th; and that the team’s relationship with “D” will continue to grow.

  3. Join us for our next FAM/Care Community orientation after the gathering on May 19th from 11:30-12:30 to learn more about how to become a volunteer. We need 4-5 families to start a supporting a second family. Please register in advance and you can do that on the Church Center app

Corey’s Story